I created a new recycled and recyclable material To access this content, you must purchase Cycle d’initiation, or log in if you are a member.
I bring sunlight to those forgotten by development To access this content, you must purchase Cycle d’initiation, or log in if you are a member.
My nets capture water from the clouds To access this content, you must purchase Cycle d’initiation, or log in if you are a member.
I designed an anti-rockfall textile To access this content, you must purchase Cycle d’initiation, or log in if you are a member.
We’re bringing light where the sun doesn’t shine To access this content, you must purchase Cycle d’initiation, or log in if you are a member.
I can recycle anything you throw away To access this content, you must purchase Cycle d’initiation, or log in if you are a member.
I transform salmon skin into eco-leather To access this content, you must purchase Cycle d’initiation, or log in if you are a member.
I created a new kind of citizen action To access this content, you must purchase Cycle d’initiation, or log in if you are a member.
I teach empathy with babies To access this content, you must purchase Cycle d’initiation, or log in if you are a member.
I recycle rare earth metals To access this content, you must purchase Cycle d’initiation, or log in if you are a member.