Oscar Dios
Arlanda - Sweden
I converted a Boeing 747 into a hotel
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This is the story of a fateful encounter between an ageing, disused jet at Arlanda airport and a young, bold, entrepreneur. The result is a hotel that never wants for passengers.
Oscar DiosI converted a Boeing 747 into a hotel
Jim DenevanMy works exist in harmony with the natural world
Peggy PascalI pioneered farming in a bag
alexandre dubernardI install air-conditioning systems above your head
Madan KatariaI make you laugh out loud
Lente RoodeI help cheetahs reproduce
Sten de WitI created the world's first solar cycle path
François Jaquenoud & Lo ChayWe're providing potable water to those in need
Jeremy GilleyI’m fighting for peace
Laurent GoudetI build houses out of hemp concrete
Témoignage de Clara (promo Bichons)
Isabelle QueheI created the Ethical Fashion Show
aurelia wolffI invented a machine to dye fabric with vegetable scraps
Plernpis ThongkladOur bank lends buffaloes
Andrea ColemanOur drivers tackle some of Africa's toughest roads to save lives.
Arnoud Raskin & Ann Van Hellemontwe set up schools in the most unlikely places
Shaktimat Om MokshanandaRelax on my carpet of nails
Javier FernandezI invented a shrimp-based bioplastic
Muru ArunachalamI’m the first man to wear sanitary pads
Olivier DesurmontI wash cars without water