Guillaume Bapst
I created a network of solidarity supermarkets
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A growing percentage of the French population has a daily food budget of just two euros. Guillaume makes it possible for them to do their shopping as they always have, with one big difference: products cost 10 times less than in a traditional supermarket.
Guillaume BapstI created a network of solidarity supermarkets
Mohammad Al-UbaydliI created the first medical Facebook
François MaurisseI rediscover the beauty of small meadow flowers through my camera lens.
Helen Evans & Heiko HansenWe shine a green light on factory emissions
Claudia HollmI created a soup kitchen for animals
Major AhluwaliaI created a hospital for paralysed people like me
Jan Peter BergkvistI co-created the world’s first chain of eco-hotels
Catia BastioliI harvest thistles to make bioplastic
Jamie YangI bring electricity off the grid
Marcelo VillegasI’ve created a bamboo laminate that’s cheaper than plywood
Lente RoodeI help cheetahs reproduce
Charlie ToddI created Flash Mobs
Andreas HeineckeI turn out the lights to show you another world
Tammy DunakinI rent out my goats to mow your lawn
Natalie KillassyI designed an anti-rockfall textile
Mel YoungI created the Homeless World Cup
La Nuit du Clean Tag
Paul MoreyMy radiator is inspired by the sun
Sameer SawarkarI offer an inexpensive complete check-up via telephone.
Javier FernandezI invented a shrimp-based bioplastic