Atanase Périfan
Paris - France
I created Neighbour Day
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Everyone has heard of Neighbour Day! This Parisian civil servant devoted his enthusiasm and energy to making Neighbor Day one of the most popular holidays in Europe. Recalling the beginning of the adventure, Atanase wasn’t sure it would amount to much…
Atanase PérifanI created Neighbour Day
Soledad Pinero MisaThe toys I recommend for children aren’t made by other children
Sandra AgueborI keep women off the streets by training them to be mechanics
Ursula SladekI created the first green energy network
Jérôme SaloméI stand up for men in skirts
David WadströmI purify water with solar energy
Suzanne LeeI grow my own clothes
wong Mun SummI doubled green space by building a hotel
Dara O'RourkeMy app helps you make responsible consumer choices
Ernesto GramshMy invention could save your skin
François MaurisseI rediscover the beauty of small meadow flowers through my camera lens.
Javier De NicoloI created the Children’s Republic to keep kids off the streets.
Oscar DiosI converted a Boeing 747 into a hotel
Mohamed HageI grow vegetables in the heart of the city
Takao FurunoI use ducks instead of pesticides in my rice fields
Anders WilhelmsonI created the world's simplest toilets
Esteban ChornetI fill up my tank with what you throw away
Shaktimat Om MokshanandaRelax on my carpet of nails
Shane ChenMy invention revolutionises personal mobility
Hommage à Charles-Edouard Oksenhendler, fondateur de la Ferme de la Glutamine