Javier De Nicolo
bogota - Colombia
I created the Children’s Republic to keep kids off the streets.
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In Columbia, young people are often left to fend for themselves, deeply suspicious of any forced attempts at rehab. Javier gently wins their trust by treating them as adults. The results are nothing short of miraculous.
Javier De NicoloI created the Children’s Republic to keep kids off the streets.
Alan HeegerI invented flexible solar panels
Un chantier complètement fou !
Tammy DunakinI rent out my goats to mow your lawn
Jeremy GilleyI’m fighting for peace
Marie-Elisabeth FaymonvilleI use hypnosis for surgical operations
Baruch RinkevichCoral reefs have a future because of my invention
Daniel HofferI’m coming to stay with you
Isabelle QueheI created the Ethical Fashion Show
Tal Ben ShaharI teach you how to be happy
Jan Peter BergkvistI co-created the world’s first chain of eco-hotels
Javier FernandezI invented a shrimp-based bioplastic
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Masaki TakaoI make bioethanol from your old clothes
François MaurisseI rediscover the beauty of small meadow flowers through my camera lens.
Michel SmitI turn your dance moves into kilowatts
Guilherme BampiI created a new recycled and recyclable material
Illac DiazI bring light slums with our old plastic bottles