Martine Postma
I created the Repair Café
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Older generations have a hard time understanding our throwaway consumer culture. Industry seems to have no scruples about the planned obsolescence of the things we buy, which keeps us locked in unreasonable levels of consumption. Disgusted by the status quo, Martine Postman created Repair Cafés, where people can bring their broken goods to be repaired by expert geeks–from irons to coffee machines, wireless phones to children’s toys.
Martine PostmaI created the Repair Café
Ursula SladekI created the first green energy network
Trash from the sea is treasure for our art
Javier De NicoloI created the Children’s Republic to keep kids off the streets.
Cédric PéchardI grow mushrooms from your coffee grounds
Barthélémy DominiciI'm tackling ocean garbage
Simon VélezI use bamboo like others use iron
Hommage à Charles-Edouard Oksenhendler, fondateur de la Ferme de la Glutamine
Michel SmitI turn your dance moves into kilowatts
La Nuit du Clean Tag
Isabelle QueheI created the Ethical Fashion Show
Benoit PagetI pay you back for recycling
Spencer TunickI photograph thousands of people in the nude
Major AhluwaliaI created a hospital for paralysed people like me
Rainer NolvakI created Clean Up Day
Mohammad Al-UbaydliI created the first medical Facebook
Bright SimonsI track fake medication
Jesús Manuel AldreteI make 100% biodegradable chewing gum
Dara O'RourkeMy app helps you make responsible consumer choices
Olivier DesurmontI wash cars without water