Tortel Poltrona
Barcelone - Spain
I give people back their smiles
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This clown, one of the most celebrated in Spain, wanted to offer a few moments of happiness to uprooted children from around the world. He makes them laugh with his “Clowns Without Borders” association.
Tortel PoltronaI give people back their smiles
Trash from the sea is treasure for our art
Javier FernandezI invented a shrimp-based bioplastic
Nicolas ChabanneHow do you like my Ugly Mug ?
François MaurisseI rediscover the beauty of small meadow flowers through my camera lens.
Miguel LuengoWipe out malaria with my video game
Baruch RinkevichCoral reefs have a future because of my invention
Illac DiazI bring light slums with our old plastic bottles
Rita PanickerI created the children's bank
Bethelem TilahunMy soleRebel shoes get extra miles out of old tires
Francisco Da SilvaI make soap from used cooking oil
Martine PostmaI created the Repair Café
Jan Peter BergkvistI co-created the world’s first chain of eco-hotels
Jason ChenI created a deodorising fabric with coffee grounds
Michel SmitI turn your dance moves into kilowatts
Tobias LeenaertI converted my city to vegetarianism
Sameer SawarkarI offer an inexpensive complete check-up via telephone.
ESD & Ecole de Condé - Projet Make&Go pour Villa Shamengo
Tom SzakyI can recycle anything you throw away
Clément ShalaMy cooker lets nothing go to waste