Eben Bayer
Green Island - United States
I grow the packaging of the future
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This young engineer’s start-up is in the process of revolutionizing the global market for packaging with his low-tech, eco-friendly invention.
Eben BayerI grow the packaging of the future
François Jaquenoud & Lo ChayWe're providing potable water to those in need
Tammy DunakinI rent out my goats to mow your lawn
Henry LiangI make paper from stone
Jan In't VeldI created universal eyeglasses
Thomas GranierI'm building sustainable earthen roofs
I take the elderly for a ride on rickshaws
Témoignage de Clara (promo Bichons)
A barking mad workshop! #2
Baruch RinkevichCoral reefs have a future because of my invention
Spencer TunickI photograph thousands of people in the nude
Helen Evans & Heiko HansenWe shine a green light on factory emissions
pierre callejaI capture CO2 with micro-algae
Pierfrancesco MaranI collect your food waste to make compost
Jesús Manuel AldreteI make 100% biodegradable chewing gum
Bart WeetjensI train rats to detect landmines
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Bethelem TilahunMy soleRebel shoes get extra miles out of old tires
Sameer SawarkarI offer an inexpensive complete check-up via telephone.
Oscar DiosI converted a Boeing 747 into a hotel