Agustín Wolff
Santiago - Chile
I offer a roof to millions of people
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The economic crisis, natural disasters, rural-to-urban migration—all contribute to increasingly precarious living conditions for millions of people. Agustin’s NGO attempts to improve their lives by mobilising young people for a few hours on weekends.
Agustín WolffI offer a roof to millions of people
Paul BenoitI heat your apartment with computing power
Cédric CarlesI use nature to play turntables
Salomon RaydanI created the bank of the poor
Guillaume BapstI created a network of solidarity supermarkets
Tammy DunakinI rent out my goats to mow your lawn
Jordi MartiI invented a blood test without needles
Clip Villa Shamengo à Bordeaux
Bethelem TilahunMy soleRebel shoes get extra miles out of old tires
David EdwardsI make edible food packaging
Anders WilhelmsonI created the world's simplest toilets
ESD & Ecole de Condé - Projet Make&Go pour Villa Shamengo
Miguel NeivaI help the colour blind see colours
Alfredo OliveraMy radio show is run by crazy people
Richard ReynoldsI’m a guerrilla gardener
I free the mental ill who have been kept in chains
Valérie PacheI transform parasails into party dresses
David WadströmI purify water with solar energy
Cédric AuriolTrade your steak for bugs!
Sameer SawarkarI offer an inexpensive complete check-up via telephone.