Jeni Saeyang
I offer in-home refills for my own line of organic products
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To reduce the environmental damage generated by the
exponential rise of consumer society in her country, Jeni has launched
the first brand of natural cleaning products “made in China”. It’s a
cultural revolution!
Jeni SaeyangI offer in-home refills for my own line of organic products
Ernesto GramshMy invention could save your skin
Clip Villa Shamengo COP 21
Robin WillnerI put your computer to work for a good cause
Paul MoreyMy radiator is inspired by the sun
Yukihiro KimuraI’ve pioneered diaper recycling
Paul BenoitI heat your apartment with computing power
Jacques BremondMy technology reduces maritime shipping emissions
Suzanne LeeI grow my own clothes
Aline Mathilde PelsersWe started Homeless Man of the Year
Britta RileyI grow vertical gardens
Cédric CarlesI use nature to play turntables
Thomas GranierI'm building sustainable earthen roofs
Javier De NicoloI created the Children’s Republic to keep kids off the streets.
Trevor FieldOur students pump fresh water on the playground
Jordi MartiI invented a blood test without needles
Miguel LuengoWipe out malaria with my video game
Kanta HaniI created the zero waste festival
David EdwardsI make edible food packaging
Rémi SuccojaMy electric bike runs on hydrogen