Heath Nash
Le Cap - South Africa
I transform milk bottles into designer lighting
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Heath never dreamed that one day his idea for recycling waste plastics, in this case the used milk bottles that are polluting South Africa, would become a source of inspiration for some of the hottest lighting designers in northern Europe.
Heath NashI transform milk bottles into designer lighting
Tortel PoltronaI give people back their smiles
Neil HarbissonMy third eye translates colours into sounds
Corentin de ChatelperronI cross oceans in a boat made of jute
Hommage à Charles-Edouard Oksenhendler, fondateur de la Ferme de la Glutamine
Cédric CarlesI use nature to play turntables
Daniel CharbonnierWe transformed a bunker into a hotel
Jan Peter BergkvistI co-created the world’s first chain of eco-hotels
Marie-Elisabeth FaymonvilleI use hypnosis for surgical operations
Paul Servin et Thomas CobbYou will make huge savings on water and detergent with our washing machine
Atanase PérifanI created Neighbour Day
Jamie YangI bring electricity off the grid
Martine Le LuI use oyster shells to make paint.
Jeni SaeyangI offer in-home refills for my own line of organic products
Washington CucurtoMy cardboard books are original and affordable
alexandre dubernardI install air-conditioning systems above your head
Clément ShalaMy cooker lets nothing go to waste
Daniel HofferI’m coming to stay with you
aurelia wolffI invented a machine to dye fabric with vegetable scraps
Carlos EspinosaMy nets capture water from the clouds