Peter Vadasz
Güssing - Austria
I use the forest judiciously
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The mayor of an industry town left behind by the new economy, Peter has restored citizen morale by exploiting the undreamt-of riches of the area. It’s a rare story of a successful economic conversion.
Peter VadaszI use the forest judiciously
Soledad Pinero MisaThe toys I recommend for children aren’t made by other children
Cédric PéchardI grow mushrooms from your coffee grounds
Phil MorganMy restaurant runs on hydroelectric energy
Paul MoreyMy radiator is inspired by the sun
Kanta HaniI created the zero waste festival
Baruch RinkevichCoral reefs have a future because of my invention
Wolfram PalitzschI recycle rare earth metals
Michel SmitI turn your dance moves into kilowatts
Tobias LeenaertI converted my city to vegetarianism
Francisco Da SilvaI make soap from used cooking oil
Washington CucurtoMy cardboard books are original and affordable
Spencer TunickI photograph thousands of people in the nude
Yukihiro KimuraI’ve pioneered diaper recycling
Clip Villa Shamengo COP 21
Martine Le LuI use oyster shells to make paint.
Hommage à Charles-Edouard Oksenhendler, fondateur de la Ferme de la Glutamine
pierre duponchelI use your jeans to insulate your house
ESD & Ecole de Condé - Projet Make&Go pour Villa Shamengo
Lente RoodeI help cheetahs reproduce