Jeremy Gilley
London - United Kingdom
I’m fighting for peace
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Stop fighting wars at least one day per year. That was the proposal—at once modest and gargantuan—Jeremy brought before the United Nation and took to all those who know only the language of arms. One more victory on the altar of peace.
Jeremy GilleyI’m fighting for peace
Illac DiazI bring light slums with our old plastic bottles
Masaru EmotoI reveal the secret life of water
Un chantier complètement fou !
NICK MOONI change the lives of Africa's poorest farmers
Trash from the sea is treasure for our art
Jason ChenI created a deodorising fabric with coffee grounds
Nina RaeberI transform sacks of fish food into chic shopping bags.
Bindeshwar PathakThe untouchables I help are no longer destined to clean human excrement
Bunker RoyI created the Barefoot College
Yumi SomeiI discovered a rich oil field in Tokyo!
Dara O'RourkeMy app helps you make responsible consumer choices
Martine Le LuI use oyster shells to make paint.
Neil HarbissonMy third eye translates colours into sounds
Charlie ToddI created Flash Mobs
Anita AhujaI recycle plastic bags in New Delhi
Jan In't VeldI created universal eyeglasses
Tortel PoltronaI give people back their smiles
Anke DomaskeI manufacture fabric out of milk leftovers
Veronica KhosaI support AIDS victims until their last breath