Jeremy Gilley
London - United Kingdom
I’m fighting for peace
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Stop fighting wars at least one day per year. That was the proposal—at once modest and gargantuan—Jeremy brought before the United Nation and took to all those who know only the language of arms. One more victory on the altar of peace.
Jeremy GilleyI’m fighting for peace
Stiven KerestegianI transform salmon skin into eco-leather
Robin WillnerI put your computer to work for a good cause
Paul Servin et Thomas CobbYou will make huge savings on water and detergent with our washing machine
ESD & Ecole de Condé - Projet Bistrot pour Villa Shamengo
Un chantier complètement fou !
Radar NishuliI protect gorillas from coltan miners
Amit GofferI help paraplegics to walk again
David WadströmI purify water with solar energy
pierre duponchelI use your jeans to insulate your house
Jean François ArchambaultI offer gourmet dining to the poor
Christian BoisardI put a stop to stuttering in under three days
Kanta HaniI created the zero waste festival
George MadhavanI turn water from your toilet into drinking water
Javier FernandezI invented a shrimp-based bioplastic
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Gazi BabaiarovaI fight against bride kidnapping
Ursula SladekI created the first green energy network
Jeni SaeyangI offer in-home refills for my own line of organic products
La Nuit du Clean Tag