Tony Meloto
Manille - Philippines
I’ve helped a million Filipinos out of extreme poverty
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Tony likes to define himself as a radical optimist. When we learned that his efforts had already helped one million Filipinos out of abject poverty and that he planned to help another 5 million by 2024, without so much as a penny in his pocket, we were ready to follow in his footsteps and make his philosophy our own.
Tony MelotoI’ve helped a million Filipinos out of extreme poverty
pierre duponchelI use your jeans to insulate your house
Martine Le LuI use oyster shells to make paint.
Major AhluwaliaI created a hospital for paralysed people like me
wong Mun SummI doubled green space by building a hotel
Robin WillnerI put your computer to work for a good cause
Benoit PagetI pay you back for recycling
A barking mad workshop! #2
SANJAY SACHDEV & HARSH MALHOTRAWe save lovers from death
Rémi SuccojaMy electric bike runs on hydrogen
Beverly BlumI'm cooking with solar!
ESD & Ecole de Condé - Projet Make&Go pour Villa Shamengo
Denis MukwegeI restore women who have been destroyed by rape
Eric ScottoI construct photovoltaic greenhouses to combine green energy with organic farming
François MaurisseI rediscover the beauty of small meadow flowers through my camera lens.
ESD & Ecole de Condé - Projet Peinture végétale pour Villa Shamengo
Esteban ChornetI fill up my tank with what you throw away
Carlos FernandezI created a foldable electric car
Claudia HollmI created a soup kitchen for animals
Jacques BremondMy technology reduces maritime shipping emissions