My technology reduces shipping emissions
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My technology reduces shipping emissions
David EdwardsI make edible food packaging
Katherine FreundI launched the first ride-sharing company for seniors
Bart WeetjensI train rats to detect landmines
Britta RileyI grow vertical gardens
joe mangrumI invite you to meditate on the streets of New York
Marcelo VillegasI’ve created a bamboo laminate that’s cheaper than plywood
Kanta HaniI created the zero waste festival
Henry LiangI make paper from stone
Bethelem TilahunMy soleRebel shoes get extra miles out of old tires
Takao FurunoI use ducks instead of pesticides in my rice fields
Cédric CarlesI use nature to play turntables
Pilgrim BeartI lower your electricity bill
Ernesto GramshMy invention could save your skin
François Jaquenoud & Lo ChayWe're providing potable water to those in need
Yukihiro KimuraI’ve pioneered diaper recycling
Valérie PacheI transform parasails into party dresses
ESD & Ecole de Condé - Projet Bistrot pour Villa Shamengo
Serge LareaultI manage the world’s first newspaper for the homeless
Jordi MartiI invented a blood test without needles