Jim Denevan
Santa Cruz - United States
My works exist in harmony with the natural world
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With his simple tools, this artist creates monumental works by tracing out perfectly geometrical forms in the sand. It’s a poetic reflection on time and the relationship of human beings to the natural world.
Jim DenevanMy works exist in harmony with the natural world
Henry LiangI make paper from stone
Martha DelgadoI trade your trash for organic food
Trevor FieldOur students pump fresh water on the playground
Neil HarbissonMy third eye translates colours into sounds
NICK MOONI change the lives of Africa's poorest farmers
Gazi BabaiarovaI fight against bride kidnapping
Anke DomaskeI manufacture fabric out of milk leftovers
Yumi SomeiI discovered a rich oil field in Tokyo!
Tony MelotoI’ve helped a million Filipinos out of extreme poverty
Tom SzakyI can recycle anything you throw away
Veronika ScottI created a blanket coat for the homeless
Robin WillnerI put your computer to work for a good cause
A barking mad workshop! #2
Jamie YangI bring electricity off the grid
Oscar DiosI converted a Boeing 747 into a hotel
Jason ChenI created a deodorising fabric with coffee grounds
Ernesto GramshMy invention could save your skin
Javier FernandezI invented a shrimp-based bioplastic
Mohamed HageI grow vegetables in the heart of the city