Andrea Coleman
Our drivers tackle some of Africa's toughest roads to save lives.
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Having witnessed that essential medicines struggle to reach the most remote populations, Andrea decided to approach medical humanitarian aid in terms of logistics. It’s a daily Paris-Dakar race for these health adventurers.
Andrea ColemanOur drivers tackle some of Africa's toughest roads to save lives.
Andreas HeineckeI turn out the lights to show you another world
Mariouche GagnéI give a new life to used fur coats
Jeni SaeyangI offer in-home refills for my own line of organic products
Aurelia WolfI created an open-source machine to make natural dyes.
Peter VadaszI use the forest judiciously
Veronica KhosaI support AIDS victims until their last breath
Oscar DiosI converted a Boeing 747 into a hotel
Paul Servin et Thomas CobbYou will make huge savings on water and detergent with our washing machine
Beverly BlumI'm cooking with solar!
Hervé Thomas & Pierrick ClémentWe're marketing an invasive mollusk as a new seafood option
Martha DelgadoI trade your trash for organic food
Michael StausholmMy pencils make plants growing
Aline Mathilde PelsersWe started Homeless Man of the Year
Christian BoisardI put a stop to stuttering in under three days
Paul BenoitI heat your apartment with computing power
Clément ShalaMy cooker lets nothing go to waste
Jean KabutaLearn to praise yourself
Martine Le LuI use oyster shells to make paint.
Mary GordonI teach empathy with babies