Trevor Field
Johannesbourg - South Africa
Our students pump fresh water on the playground
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In South Africa, Trevor has installed ‘Play Pump’ merry-go-rounds in schools to enable students to pump clean drinking water as they play. Who says hard work can’t be fun?
Trevor FieldOur students pump fresh water on the playground
Charlie ToddI created Flash Mobs
La Nuit du Clean Tag
Michael StausholmMy pencils make plants growing
Tony Meloto - Portrait 26 mnTony Meloto - 26 mn portrait
Baruch RinkevichCoral reefs have a future because of my invention
Stiven KerestegianI transform salmon skin into eco-leather
Laurent GoudetI build houses out of hemp concrete
Jan In't VeldI created universal eyeglasses
Cédric CarlesI use nature to play turntables
Jan Peter BergkvistI co-created the world’s first chain of eco-hotels
Alfredo OliveraMy radio show is run by crazy people
Masaru EmotoI reveal the secret life of water
Kanta HaniI created the zero waste festival
Amit GofferI help paraplegics to walk again
Miguel LuengoWipe out malaria with my video game
Britta RileyI grow vertical gardens
Anders WilhelmsonI created the world's simplest toilets
Valérie PacheI transform parasails into party dresses
Javier De NicoloI created the Children’s Republic to keep kids off the streets.