Trevor Field
Johannesbourg - South Africa
Our students pump fresh water on the playground
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In South Africa, Trevor has installed ‘Play Pump’ merry-go-rounds in schools to enable students to pump clean drinking water as they play. Who says hard work can’t be fun?
Trevor FieldOur students pump fresh water on the playground
Rainer NolvakI created Clean Up Day
Takao FurunoI use ducks instead of pesticides in my rice fields
Mariouche GagnéI give a new life to used fur coats
Thomas GranierI'm building sustainable earthen roofs
Andrea ColemanOur drivers tackle some of Africa's toughest roads to save lives.
Michael StausholmMy pencils make plants growing
Javier FernandezI invented a shrimp-based bioplastic
Major AhluwaliaI created a hospital for paralysed people like me
George MadhavanI turn water from your toilet into drinking water
Henry LiangI make paper from stone
Shane ChenMy invention revolutionises personal mobility
Michel SmitI turn your dance moves into kilowatts
Harrison DillonI create fuel from algae
Alan HeegerI invented flexible solar panels
Sameer SawarkarI offer an inexpensive complete check-up via telephone.
Dhruv LakraMy couriers are deaf and mute
joe mangrumI invite you to meditate on the streets of New York
Pilgrim BeartI lower your electricity bill
Benoit PagetI pay you back for recycling