Tony Meloto - Portrait 26 mn
Tony Meloto - 26 mn portrait
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Tony likes to define himself as a radical optimist. When we learned that his efforts had already helped one million Filipinos out of abject poverty and that he planned to help another 5 million by 2024, without so much as a penny in his pocket, we were ready to follow in his footsteps and make his philosophy our own.
Tony Meloto - Portrait 26 mnTony Meloto - 26 mn portrait
Francine ShapiroUse your eyes to heal your trauma
Aurelia WolfI created an open-source machine to make natural dyes.
Thierry JacquetI use plants to clean toxic soil
Hommage à Charles-Edouard Oksenhendler, fondateur de la Ferme de la Glutamine
La Nuit du Clean Tag
Javier De NicoloI created the Children’s Republic to keep kids off the streets.
Ogo MaduewesiI’m fighting Michael Jackson’s disease
Brent SchulkinI created a new kind of citizen action
Jason ChenI created a deodorising fabric with coffee grounds
Clément ShalaMy cooker lets nothing go to waste
Nicolas ChabanneHow do you like my Ugly Mug ?
François Jaquenoud & Lo ChayWe're providing potable water to those in need
Jeremy GilleyI’m fighting for peace
Jérôme SaloméI stand up for men in skirts
Martine PostmaI created the Repair Café
Mohammad Al-UbaydliI created the first medical Facebook
Miguel LuengoWipe out malaria with my video game
Aline Mathilde PelsersWe started Homeless Man of the Year
Francesca Miazzo Jessica SpadaciniI carry fruit and vegetables in the last mile