Un chantier complètement fou !
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Les 24 et 25 octobre 2019, le gros œuvre de la base vie de la Villa Shamengo a été construit en 12 h chrono. Un défi que nous avons pu relever grâce aux innovations de nos pionniers : le système constructif Sylcat à base de palettes en bois et les isolants Métisse. Un grand merci à nos partenaires, pionniers, et soutiens opérationnels !
Un chantier complètement fou !
Paul MoreyMy radiator is inspired by the sun
Pilgrim BeartI lower your electricity bill
Pierfranco Midali & Giacomo BonzaniWe're bringing light where the sun doesn't shine
Bethelem TilahunMy soleRebel shoes get extra miles out of old tires
ESD & Ecole de Condé - Projet Bistrot pour Villa Shamengo
Salomon RaydanI created the bank of the poor
François MaurisseI rediscover the beauty of small meadow flowers through my camera lens.
Alfredo OliveraMy radio show is run by crazy people
Georgie DelaneyI recharge my phone while getting fit
My technology reduces shipping emissions
Natalie KillassyI designed an anti-rockfall textile
Mel YoungI created the Homeless World Cup
Henry LiangI make paper from stone
Nina RaeberI transform sacks of fish food into chic shopping bags.
Philippe Ouaki di GiornoMy solid water makes deserts bloom
Stiven KerestegianI transform salmon skin into eco-leather
pierre duponchelI use your jeans to insulate your house
Jeremy GilleyI’m fighting for peace
Paul Servin et Thomas CobbYou will make huge savings on water and detergent with our washing machine