Your servers are cooled by my oil
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NEW PIONEER: Serge Conesa – Lausanne
Your servers are cooled by my oil
Mansukh PrajapatiMy refrigerator works without electricity
Muru ArunachalamI’m the first man to wear sanitary pads
Serge LareaultI manage the world’s first newspaper for the homeless
Jordi MartiI invented a blood test without needles
Madan KatariaI make you laugh out loud
Daniel CharbonnierWe transformed a bunker into a hotel
Paul MoreyMy radiator is inspired by the sun
Tammy DunakinI rent out my goats to mow your lawn
Masaki TakaoI make bioethanol from your old clothes
Eric ScottoI construct photovoltaic greenhouses to combine green energy with organic farming
Anders WilhelmsonI created the world's simplest toilets
Cédric PéchardI grow mushrooms from your coffee grounds
Bright SimonsI track fake medication
Pierfranco Midali & Giacomo BonzaniWe're bringing light where the sun doesn't shine
Agustín WolffI offer a roof to millions of people
Peter VadaszI use the forest judiciously
Christian BoisardI put a stop to stuttering in under three days
Luc JonveauxI export Bangladeshi Street Art
Washington CucurtoMy cardboard books are original and affordable