Arnoud Raskin & Ann Van Hellemont
louvain - Belgium
we set up schools in the most unlikely places
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Because millions of children are deprived of an education, Arnoud and Ann set up schools in the most unlikely places, even in huge dumping sites where children sort trash to survive. Their program is called Mobile School, and it’s a great lesson in humanity.
Arnoud Raskin & Ann Van Hellemontwe set up schools in the most unlikely places
Salomon RaydanI created the bank of the poor
NICK MOONI change the lives of Africa's poorest farmers
Gazi BabaiarovaI fight against bride kidnapping
George MadhavanI turn water from your toilet into drinking water
Jean KabutaLearn to praise yourself
Andreas HeineckeI turn out the lights to show you another world
Lente RoodeI help cheetahs reproduce
Philippe Ouaki di GiornoMy solid water makes deserts bloom
Mariouche GagnéI give a new life to used fur coats
aurelia wolffI invented a machine to dye fabric with vegetable scraps
Martine PostmaI created the Repair Café
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Bright SimonsI track fake medication
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