Aline Mathilde Pelsers
Bruxelles - Belgium
We started Homeless Man of the Year
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Light years away from the world of glitz and reality TV, this social nurse and her daughter decided to draw public attention to the homeless who had been in their care for 20 years. They created a competition that goes well beyond the selection of Homeless Man of the Year.
Aline Mathilde PelsersWe started Homeless Man of the Year
Francisco Da SilvaI make soap from used cooking oil
Salomon RaydanI created the bank of the poor
Jean KabutaLearn to praise yourself
Rémi SuccojaMy electric bike runs on hydrogen
pierre duponchelI use your jeans to insulate your house
Anders WilhelmsonI created the world's simplest toilets
Veronika ScottI created a blanket coat for the homeless
Anke DomaskeI manufacture fabric out of milk leftovers
Alejandro EcheverriI’m reducing crime with urban planning
Tobias LeenaertI converted my city to vegetarianism
Felipe VergaraI started a fair student loan scheme
Richard ReynoldsI’m a guerrilla gardener
I make cardboard furniture
Olivier CousinI cultivate my vineyards with horse power
Michel SmitI turn your dance moves into kilowatts
A barking mad workshop! #2
Guilherme BampiI created a new recycled and recyclable material
Témoignage de Clara (promo Bichons)
joe mangrumI invite you to meditate on the streets of New York