Pierfranco Midali & Giacomo Bonzani
Viganella - Italy
We're bringing light where the sun doesn't shine
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Experiencing a long, cold, and dark winter? Light it up with a sun mirror, just like Pierfranco and Giacomo did for their village in Italy!
Pierfranco Midali & Giacomo BonzaniWe're bringing light where the sun doesn't shine
Paul BenoitI heat your apartment with computing power
Radar NishuliI protect gorillas from coltan miners
Awen DelavalI created a fabric from the lotus flower
Philippe Ouaki di GiornoMy solid water makes deserts bloom
Drone presentation - 3D Villa Shamengo
Jan In't VeldI created universal eyeglasses
wong Mun SummI doubled green space by building a hotel
Barthélémy DominiciI'm tackling ocean garbage
George MadhavanI turn water from your toilet into drinking water
Témoignage de Clara (promo Bichons)
Rainer NolvakI created Clean Up Day
Jan Peter BergkvistI co-created the world’s first chain of eco-hotels
Masaki TakaoI make bioethanol from your old clothes
Ursula SladekI created the first green energy network
Stephan WrageI invented a sail to power cargo ships
Alan HeegerI invented flexible solar panels
Serge LareaultI manage the world’s first newspaper for the homeless
Carlos FernandezI created a foldable electric car
Muru ArunachalamI’m the first man to wear sanitary pads