François Jaquenoud & Lo Chay
Phnom Penh - Cambodia
We're providing potable water to those in need
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This French-Cambodian duo responded with amazing speed to the challenge of providing the very poor with cheap access to potable water. The icing on the cake: this sanitation project was developed by local micro-entrepreneurs.
François Jaquenoud & Lo ChayWe're providing potable water to those in need
Andrea ColemanOur drivers tackle some of Africa's toughest roads to save lives.
Thomas GranierI'm building sustainable earthen roofs
Simon VélezI use bamboo like others use iron
Shane ChenMy invention revolutionises personal mobility
Alan HeegerI invented flexible solar panels
Martine PostmaI created the Repair Café
Francesca Miazzo Jessica SpadaciniI carry fruit and vegetables in the last mile
Francine ShapiroUse your eyes to heal your trauma
Veronika ScottI created a blanket coat for the homeless
Bethelem TilahunMy soleRebel shoes get extra miles out of old tires
Esteban ChornetI fill up my tank with what you throw away
Anita AhujaI recycle plastic bags in New Delhi
Rita PanickerI created the children's bank
Pierfrancesco MaranI collect your food waste to make compost
Masaru EmotoI reveal the secret life of water
Olivier DesmoulinCome on over, my neighbour’s making dinner
Eben BayerI grow the packaging of the future
Nicolas ChabanneHow do you like my Ugly Mug ?
Ursula SladekI created the first green energy network