François Jaquenoud & Lo Chay
Phnom Penh - Cambodia
We're providing potable water to those in need
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This French-Cambodian duo responded with amazing speed to the challenge of providing the very poor with cheap access to potable water. The icing on the cake: this sanitation project was developed by local micro-entrepreneurs.
François Jaquenoud & Lo ChayWe're providing potable water to those in need
Neil HarbissonMy third eye translates colours into sounds
Sam AgutuI help people save for health care
Mansukh PrajapatiMy refrigerator works without electricity
Francesca Miazzo Jessica SpadaciniI carry fruit and vegetables in the last mile
Daniel HofferI’m coming to stay with you
joe mangrumI invite you to meditate on the streets of New York
Francisco Da SilvaI make soap from used cooking oil
Felipe VergaraI started a fair student loan scheme
Trevor FieldOur students pump fresh water on the playground
Aline Mathilde PelsersWe started Homeless Man of the Year
La Nuit du Clean Tag
Andreas HeineckeI turn out the lights to show you another world
Britta RileyI grow vertical gardens
Pilgrim BeartI lower your electricity bill
Carlos EspinosaMy nets capture water from the clouds
Simon VélezI use bamboo like others use iron
Richard ReynoldsI’m a guerrilla gardener
Clément ShalaMy cooker lets nothing go to waste
Gazi BabaiarovaI fight against bride kidnapping