To restore some green to the concrete jungle, Wong Mun Summ designed an incredible garden hotel in the heart of Singapore. A true paradise on earth in a hellish mega city.
Étiquettes de vidéo: Portrait
I created the bank of the poor
70% of the world’s population is unable to use banking services. To give them access to savings and credit, this philosopher has launched a one-of-a-kind banking network. Rewarding!
I reveal the secret life of water
This Japanese pioneer spent 20 years collecting a wide variety of water samples, which he would then freeze and observe under a microscope to see the crystals that formed. He took thousands of photographs, showing crystal formations that range from totally harmonious to chaotic and demonstrating that water is more than just its chemical formula.
We save lovers from death
In India, so-called “honour crimes” are rife. Young people who want to marry for love face paying a high price. To prevent the worst acts of violence, Sanjay and Harsh started Love Commandos. It’s an incredible effective support network that gives star-crossed lovers the chance to live happily ever after.
I created the world’s first solar cycle path
Since space to install solar panels is in short supply in urban areas, Sten decided to use the surface of cycle paths. The result is a happy marriage between cyclists and green energy providers!
I change the lives of Africa’s poorest farmers
A robust and inexpensive manual water pump. The system that Nick has developed is a revolultion in its field. This pump can easily replace crop irrigation using buckets–still a common practice in Africa. Elementary my dear Watson!
we set up schools in the most unlikely places
Because millions of children are deprived of an education, Arnoud and Ann set up schools in the most unlikely places, even in huge dumping sites where children sort trash to survive. Their program is called Mobile School, and it’s a great lesson in humanity.
I help cheetahs reproduce
Cheetahs are dying out, not due to man-made causes but because of genetic defects. Lente, who lives in South Africa, adopted her first leopard at the age of 5, and is moving heaven and earth to save these cherished animals from extinction. Her long, hard work is paying off.
We’re marketing an invasive mollusk as a new seafood option
The slipper shell snail or slipper limpet has turned into a problem no one has yet understood how to handle. This pair from Brittany are the first to have found a natural way to make an exceptional seafood product at an unbeatable price. Delicious.
I heat your apartment with computing power
Forget your oil-filled heaters, electric radiators and central heating. Invest in digital radiators that produce their heat from embedded computers carrying out important calculations. Paul’s super green invention is finally being taken seriously.